Saturday, October 3, 2009

This is the same post from last year.
But I thought it deserved to be posted again!!

Carving Pumpkins 101
I just started carving pumpkins about 3 years ago. Man, what fun I missed out on when I was a youngster. Now I am trying to make up for all of those years. Since I am not a regular run of the mill type person, I did not want to carve the traditional smiley face pumpkins. No, that was WAY to boring for me. I wanted something different, something where people would look at my pumpkins and say "WoW" that is cool. Well I searched and searched and finally found a website that had really unusual and very cool pumpkin carving patterns. The site Zombie There is a fee, like most sites, but you can opt to pay 5/10/15 and get over 100 very cool patterns or you can pay 20.00 and get all of the same patterns plus extra special patterns. Last Halloween my favorite pumpkin that I carved was Michael Meyers of my FAVORITE horror movie of all time, Halloween. The pic above is a pic of that carving. Now here is a picture of the pattern provided by Zombie

I know the picture of my carving is a bit blurry, but you get the idea, and hey like I said I haven't been doing this for long. I would like to give you a few more examples that the site offers. They have patterns from movies such as

Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street


Pin Head

The Joker Captain Spalding

Also they have really cool Rock~N~Roll Star's

Angus Young of AC/DC

Rob ZombieOzzy Osbourne Gene Simmons of KISS
You may be asking, do they have anything for children or for the young at heart? Why yes they do!!

Patrick Sponge Bob
Scooby Doo

And just plain spooky

So no matter if you are young or old or even if you have ever carved a pumpkin before, you should try it. It's artistic and it's awesome to see the finished product and to know you made it yourself. Please be sure to take pictures so you can show off your work to others and take pride in what you have achieved. Even if you don't do so well you will always learn from your mistakes and plus it's fun to do!! Do it as a family project or ask some friends over and have an adult pumpkin carving party! Just be sure not to drink too much before you begin carving the pumpkins, for alcohol consumption and sharp objects do not go well together. sure if you carve your pumpkins ahead of time (which is a good idea, because carving pumpkins is not a fast task) you will need information on preserving your "work of art" such as the use of petroleum jelly, saran wrap, as well as knowing to store in a cool place, soaking in water and fighting that nasty mold. I searched the web the best site I found is Zombie it has all this information and much, much, more. So all in all this website has all the information you need to be a Pumpkin Carving Master!

Happy Carving!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

***Such is Life***

Kinda like the song Monday Monday...but alas it's Sunday
It's a beautiful day outside but living here in Arizona means beautiful but scorching HOT!! See that's the thing, it's beautiful but heaven forbid you step outside in July. Because it's freaking HOT!! To top it all off it's been humid lately and in the 100's which does not make for the best time to be outside. Unless you have a pool then it's all good.
I've gotten older and I am facing the changes in my body. Believe me girls what they say about losing weight being harder when your older is all TRUE!! I love to go outside and take a nice brisk walk, but when it's so hot it's just a miserable task. It's not even enjoyable anymore when it's so hot. Ahhh we get older and are faced with so many issues. Weight, wrinkles begin to appear and gravity takes its toll. It would seem that with age comes wisdom. Shouldn't the higher powers reward us for the all the things we have endured in the past to get us where we are now? It would be wonderful it worked like that. But NO... the powers that be instead of rewarding us give us the not so wonderful process of aging bodies. It's just not fair.
So like everything else we have endured...the process of getting older is another one we have to live with. We have to strive even harder to make our appearance the way we want to be. We want to be beautiful. Now there are vast amount of meanings to the word beautiful. So I pick my meaning which is being a wonderful person inside and out. But I also want to have a hot body and no gray hair. I know I have it within me to work out to get that hot body. And as for the hair well you can remedy that with a bottle of hair dye. I know I can do's just a lot harder now that I am older.
As for the groupie in me....I still love the rock shows. I still love meeting the people who make the music that moves me. It's just not as easy to meet them anymore. On one side I have learned what to do and not to do to meet them. It would just be a lot easier if I still had my 20year old body. Not saying I have ever done anything sexual to get backstage...because I haven't. But having a nice body to look at sure didn't hurt matters in the least.
Guess it's time to get up off of this chair in front of my computer and do my workout dvd.
But in the air conditioning... haha
Let the World Call Them Crow's Feet
Baby We Can Call Them Laugh Lines!!
Ahhhh Getting Older ..... Such Is Life

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The King of Pop is Gone
The Great Debate is On
I couldn't let the passing of Michael Jackson go without me commenting on this event. I have to say and you all know everything here is only my opinion but I wasn't a big fan of Michael Jackson. I was always into the Heavy Metal Music or Hard Rock growing up. I do remember when Billy Jean came out and it seemed as if all of my friends owned the album...yes I said ALBUM!! Wait...I take that back only my GIRL friends owned the album. I got so SICK of hearing everything off of that album. Maybe in a way Michael Jackson pushed me into loving that "Heavy Metal" music...hmmm...something to think about anyway. From the time that album came out I never really paid much attention to Michael Jackson. I just wasn't into him, or his music. But there was one that really hit me and remains to be a favorite of mine till this day is "Man in the Mirror". That song has a lot of real honesty in it and I admit I feel something when I hear it..and sing along with it
With all of that being said I now hope I have proven to you that I was anything but a fan of Michael Jackson's. Then all of the accusation's that took place later in years in regards to him and ....well we all know what he was accused of...and that just made me ill. But we all have to remember we are all innocent until proven guilty. Who am I to judge anyone? One thing that has stuck in my mind that I have recently seen was an interview with Michael's Mother, she had stated for us to really think about what he was accused of and asked the question "If our son or daughter had been sexually abused would we have settled for money in return for our child's justice? I know what my answer to that is...HELL NO!! So that is something to ponder before we pass judgement.
Not being a big fan the passing of Michael really didn't hit me in any way what-so-ever.
I was flipping through the tv on Tuesday and there it was, Michael's memorial service. So yeah I stopped and watched it. I was touched and yeah maybe even some tears came to my eyes. I was reminded of all of his music. His younger days and the songs he sang I used to sing along to on the radio. Especially "I'll Be There". I was also reminded of all of the music this man had made throughout his life. All of the good things he did with his money towards charities around the world. matter what he was....and throughout the years he did make us wonder what he actually was....Michael was an entertainer as well as a wonderful and great singer/songwriter. He will be remembered all over the world for years to come. And now that all of the hoopla is over....I can now feel the realization that a legend is gone and will never be again.
I also cant help to wonder.....
Who will be the next?
What I mean by that is .... Who will be our next big musical icon... our next big musical legend
Who will be the next legend that will pass...though sad to say...I don't know if there are really any musical legends out there anymore...well...I could name a few of my personal favorites but I don't want to think about losing any of I wont.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

Groovy Theresa


That seems to be the consensus.

Seems to me the only time I write a lot is when I am bothered or depressed about something. Maybe why I don't post like I used to. But ya know what? I am happy. I am very blessed to have a good job that I LOVE!! A kick ass place to live and good friends.


I just seemed to be inspired today... I'm listening to Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers and they always put me in an awesome happy mood. I love the whole vibe!!! And their music brings memories and I look forward to making more and more.



I got the beginning of my "back" tattoo. I was so excited I have been planning this tattoo for a few years. This is just the first is an acoustic guitar with a ribbon around it that says

Life is Grand

Love is Real

Beauty is Everywhere

Now I have to get stars, musical notes, moth, butterfly, TNA logo, a rosary, and a Music Love Sign....
Then.... the next session is the coloring in of all of it!!!! So when it's done it is gonna look really good. If you like tattoo's and .... I do.


So anyway....just checking in.....hope all is well.....

I'm Loving Life!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Been A Long Time
Yup....Hello everyone!!
The holidays have come and gone.
I'm sitting here on Valentines Eve or
as I like to call it...haha and I'm sitting here drinking and can't sleep!!
So since I happen to have the time I thought I would blog for a bit.
Now...a little about what's been going on in my life.
Well I started my new job and I must say I LOVE IT!!
It's crazy and it's hectic but I must say I enjoy it. Instead of taking care of children all day I take care of male technicians....they are the same thing as I right or am I right? I'm right I know I am...haha
I have been working a lot of overtime, as much as I can get. I've met a lot of cool new people and I am making more new friends every day.
Even though I don't have a "man" in my life I am fine. For so many years I thought I had to have a male in my life. Well I am happy to say that I am concentrating on making a better life for my daughter and I. Someday I would like to have a romantic interest in my life, but that will come when it is meant to happen. As for right now...I am fine and I am happy.
You know me... always positive.
As Roger Clyne says "Give away what you want to receive" and that is what I am doing. I am putting out positive energy and I am finally getting it back!! At first I felt guilty that I was doing so well. I don't know if that is from being raised Catholic or being raised as a southern woman or a mixture of both. But, I am a good person and I deserve everything that has come upon me. I have turned a cheek so many times and been the bigger person so many times and kept my head held high and remained positive even in the midst of everything crumbling around me that yes, I deserve all the good things that have and are happening to me.
I plan on blogging more, but I tell ya, after 10-12hrs of being on the computer the last thing I want to do when I get home is to sit down in front of one!! But I will try my best to at least do better than I have these past couple of months. But I have been BUSY!!!
I love life, I love MY life and wish nothing but the best of everything for everyone out there!!
Till Next Time
Believe in Love
Forsake your Greed
Give Away What You Want To Receive!!!