A Not So Wise Man Once Told Me...
Unlike many tales I will be posting this tale will consist of no famous, as you know them, rockers. This is just a story of some Rocker Boi's I've known for a long, long, time. Well...let me take that back. One of them is the lead guitarist for a famous Rock N Roll band today, so yeah, I guess there is a famous rocker boi in this tale.
It amazes me sometimes, or should I say "used" to amaze me the women that Rocker Boi's pick to be with. I was at a show of some of my best Rocker Boi friends, whom I have known forever when they were playing a club in Evansville Indiana. It was always such a fun time hanging out with them. It was just like watching t.v. or being at the movies because they were so damn entertaining. I could just watch them just be themselves for hours and laugh my ass off! They were so comical and witty!! Guess that is what lured me to bands in the first place. These are not normal people, I mean they are to an extent, but they are artists and artists are a little off balance. If you know what I mean.
Which leads me to a night that I will never forget. It's probably been almost 20years ago and I remember it as if it were yesterday. The band was playing an out of town gig. We all had hotel rooms at the same hotel. My girlfriends and I drove separate from the guys to the gig. They had to get there and schmooze before going onstage and we girls had to primp. Anyway we get there and the night is going good. The band got really good reception from the crowd and fun was being had by all. Now one of my girlfriends had a crush on the drummer. The other "Tina" could have cared less about any of them. I on the other hand did think that the singer was HOT! But I had known him since High School. He had actually been in the same class as my big brother, so I was off limits. Which was cool to everyone, except me!! But I worshiped him from afar, just like I had always done since the day I first saw him and at this time it was years prior to this night. He and I were friends just as I was with the rest of they guys. The other guys always considered me something like a sister, which was cool with me. But I did secretly have a crush on the singer, or I thought it was a secret.
So the night wore on. Several girls in the club saw me and the guys (band) talking. Most of the time girls would approach me and ask about the guys. I usually would take them and introduce them to whichever they were asking about or wanted to meet. I would call it my job as cupid, or I would like to think. So several girls came up to me wanting the same as all the others, but, on this particular night there were a few girls that were just drop dead gorgeous. I thought the guys would pounce at this opportunity. Don't get me wrong, the guys got girls, that is for sure, but these girls were so pretty and nice and sweet. I just knew I would make one of them a love connection. Well I did my duty and introduced them and went my way.
I had been drinking that night, and was pretty much buzzed. The show was over, bar was closing so my girlfriend Tina and I went to try to find our other friend so we could ride back to the hotel with her. We couldn't find her, so the manager asked if we wanted to ride with him and the guys back to the hotel. It was the first time we had ever been to Evansville or the club we were at, so we accepted the offer. I was seated in between the manager and the drummer (God Forbid) and my girlfriend Tina was in the back when up walks up our friend and starts cussing at me because I was sitting next to the drummer (the guy she had a crush on) and wanted to know why I wasn't riding back to the hotel with her. So being the nice person that I am told her no problem, I would ride with her, I just couldn't find her earlier. So I got out (Tina stayed and rode with the band) and we headed toward her car. Okay here comes one of the strange parts of the night . They singer (the one I secretly liked) came up to me, while I was standing by the car and just leaned down and kissed me, not a little peck, but a good, long, kiss. I will never forget that, nor will I forget that when it was over and I looked at him, that he was holding the hand of another girl and walked off with her, just like that. I never knew if he did what he did to boost his ego or what? Now that I'm older, yeah, I'm sure that is what it was all about. Anyway like I said I was standing by the car, he walks off with other girl in hand. Then my girlfriend starts yelling at me for sitting next to "her guy" earlier and says she is NOT gonna give me a ride back to the hotel and freaking takes off in her car? WTF? She left me there, at the bar, with no way home. By luck the door to the bar was still open and the manager of the bar told me one of the bartenders would give me a ride to the hotel. I had no other choice, so I agreed and nameless bartender gave me a ride. Thank God this dude was an honest, non rapist guy. He got me there safe and sound.
I walked into our room and my girlfriend Tina was rolling her eyes and shaking her head. I looked around and other friend (who we will call psycho from now on) was in a hot pink teddy with black mascara running down her face crying because her "so called guy" was in HIS hotel room with another girl. In fact it was him and another band member in the room with this other girl. We found out later this other girls name was Snuggles. I'm not kidding, this girl called herself Snuggles. Well Psycho girl kept going to his room and pounding on the door, then she would make her way back to our room crying. I did not feel sorry for her, not at all. I knew this guy didn't like her, she a friend, but not a long time friend and not really a friend of the bands. They had all told me she was a bit psycho, but I believe in giving everyone a chance. It had been a long night for me and I just wanted to go to bed and dream of the kiss I got earlier. I didn't care about her, hell, she left me stranded at the bar. So that is what I did, I went to bed.
The next morning I proceeded to tell Psycho she was no longer a friend of mine. A friend would not leave a friend at a bar, in a different state, at a club she had never been to before stranded at 2am in the freaking morning. I told her not to call me once we got home or contact me ever again. If she did I wouldn't respond. You know what, I have held true to those words. If she thought that little of me, then screw her!!
Back to the guys and the reason for this story. Me and my girlfriend Tina were sitting on the steps early that next morning smoking when we saw this "Snuggles" leave the hotel, and she was nothing to write home about. In fact she looked pretty worn out and trashy. I asked them why, when I had introduced them to such beautiful sweet, nice girls the night before, that they ended up with this Snuggles person?. You know what they said, and I believe this to be true in the hearts of all men. They said "why would we want nice, sweet girls when we can have a chick like Snuggles who will do anything and everything we want?" Case Closed.
There you have it. If a guy is not ready to settle down, which these guys were far from it, they are going to go for what they can get. If they are in that mind set they will go for who will give them the most of what they want, how they want it, when they want it and where they want it. Now I'm not saying a man doesn't like a challenge, but sometimes, and Im thinking more than not, a man wants the sure thing. A sure thing that wont interrupt their lives, a sure thing that expects nothing in return, a sure thing that doesn't want to meet thier family, a sure thing that they care nothing about and will never see again.
Snuggles my dear readers, was just that.
"A Sure Thing"